初一年级英语作文:Memorable thing_450字
时间:2023-06-25 10:02:47
One day Mon said to me "I love you. son"
I was very happy that day and went to school.
6 o'clock in the afternoon, i went back home.Dad was also back and there was a big cake on the table.
I asked him "why there is a cake? can i eat it?"
Dad answered "No.Mom should eat first."
"why?"I asked again.
"because it's your mom's birthday"
then i remembered mom said "i love you" to me in the morning.
it was mom's birthday,but i didn't know that.
and she said "i love you"to me.
- 最感人的表白情书
- 如果有来生 ,我仍然爱你
- 肉麻情书
- 一封伤感的表白情书
- 经典三行情书,猎取美人心
- 写给女朋友的第一封情书
- 最感人的伤感情书
- 我们一起变老_一起长大慢慢变老
- 最搞笑情书
- 遗失在流年里的情书
- 感谢上帝,让我遇见你
- 徐志摩写给林徽因的情书1
- 中国古代九大经典情书欣赏
- 拿什么思念你 我的爱人
- 由100个数字组成的经典情书
- 如果爱,请深爱
- 无条件的想到你
- 不经意间与你相遇
- 我们一起长大慢慢变老 一起变老
- 初恋情书:我的心属于你
- 唯美爱情经典语录
- 史上最感人的歌名情书
- 大冰:说得清的,都不叫爱情
- 心底永远的爱